Here at LSBUD everything we do, we do solely to reduce injuries, deaths and damages caused by asset strikes. But it is not just ourselves who strive towards this. We speak with companies and individuals from across the whole industry on a daily basis who also work extremely hard towards this goal and we would like to start recognising this.
With this in mind we were excited to be able to introduce our first ever LSBUD Safe Digging Awards in 2023. The awards have so far been a great success and we are pleased to say they are continuing for their 3rd year with the winners being announced at the LSBUD National Damage Prevention Day in June 2025.
You can see the categories outlined below and nominations are now open! So if you know of a deserving candidate please make sure to submit your nomination on the form below ensuring to provide as much relevant information as you can.
We really can’t wait to hear all the fantastic things that have been happening across the industry!
Award Categories
Previously titled ‘Best Enquiry Process’ this category is designed to recognise the individual or company that has developed the best processes for obtaining, collating, reviewing and utilising their safe digging plans post LSBUD enquiry. Entrants should use no more than 500 words to explain why their enquiry processes work so well to keep their people and the assets they work around safe. Please remember when submitting your nomination to give as much detail and context to your submission as possible, paying attention to the criteria in which the category will be marked against which are; Impact to safe digging on both internal and external stakeholders, metrics of success, management information and strength & quality of the submission.
This category will reward the best campaign by a company or organisation to promote safe working practices around above or below ground assets. Entrants should use no more than 500 words to explain how their campaign has successfully enabled them to reach and inform those people who are at risk from injury when working near utility assets. Please remember when submitting your nomination to give as much detail and context to your submission as possible, paying attention to the criteria in which the category will be marked against which are; Impact to safe digging on both internal and external stakeholders, metrics of success, management information, senior leadership buy in (where applicable( and strength & quality of the submission.
This category is designed to reward the organisation that has shown the most commitment to recording damages and near misses over a measured period of time. Please provide evidence of your damage reduction activities and explain how you achieved this. Please remember when submitting your nomination to give as much detail and context to your submission as possible, paying attention to the criteria in which the category will be marked against which are; reporting, management information, senior leadership buy in, company wide engagement, cultural behaviour towards damage reporting and strength & quality of the submission.
Please use this category to nominate your safe digging hero. This may be a colleague, peer or someone within the industry that you feel should be recognised for their commitment to safe digging within the industry. Someone who goes above and beyond to ensure works are carried out safely, or an individual who has reacted especially well to an incident or near miss, using it as a learning experience to improve their own, or others, working practices. Entries should be 500 words or fewer. Please remember when submitting your nomination to give as much detail and context to your submission as possible, paying attention to the criteria in which the category will be marked against which are; Impact to safe digging on both internal and external stakeholders, going beyond what is required and strength & quality of the submission.
With social media playing a huge role in today’s world, we thought it right for it to also be acknowledged. The Best Safe Digging Influencer award can be achieved by an individual or company that advocates safe digging online (social media or website or any other related media). Please provide evidence of a social media or online campaign that has been successful in reaching a large audience or that has caused influence within the safe digging community in any way. Screenshots of analytics along with clear evidence of your work is to be submitted along with a minimum of 150 words as to why you believe it has been successful. Please remember when submitting your nomination to give as much detail and context to your submission as possible, paying attention to the criteria in which the category will be marked against which are; metrics of success (as previously mentioned) company and/or industry wide engagement and strength & quality of the submission.
For a bit of fun we will also be awarding a prize to to the best picture of Linesearch Larry out and about on his travels. This award will be judged by the attendees of Damage Prevention Day 2025 on the day itself. Please keep an eye out on our socials for more details but in the meantime, there is no need to complete the form you can simply you can send your Larry photos to us here!
Qualifying pictures will also be included automatically in the 2025 Larry Calendar Competition, full details of this competition are available here.
Nomination Form
2024 Winners

Best Planning Process
QuikSTATS combines utility maps, including those proved by LSBUD, with additional intelligence layers such as Tree Preservation Orders, Sites of Special Scientific Interest and User Observations. These are then made available to any web enabled device making the plans equally accessible in the office or the field. Working with such clients as Virgin Media, Openreach, HS2 and Thames Water QuikSTATS supports improved planning, co-ordination and delivery and plays a key role in the safe digging process.
Richard Burdett-Gardiner (pictured) collected the award on behalf of QuikSTATS.

Best Safe Working Campaign
Having identified a concerning trend in 2023 with third-parties damaging gas services and carrying out unsafe and unauthorised repairs, the team at Cadent produced this hard hitting safety video shown earlier. Led by Daniel Mee, the team at Cadent has successfully driven the use of this safety video to a vast number of internal and external audiences. This approach is not just beneficial for Cadent themselves, but for the wider gas industry and all of those working around their assets
Daniel Mee collected the award on behalf of Cadent Gas Limited.

Best Damage Reporting Process
Through careful and proactive prioritisation of the highest-risk planned works around their network, combined with diligent collection, measurement and analysis of damages data Wales & West recorded their lowest ever damages figure in 2023. Wales & West joined LSBUD in 2018, implementing these escalation technologies, and over the 5 year period to 2023 have recorded and benefitted from a 25% reduction in incidents of third-party damages
Gavin Evans collected the award on behalf of Wales & West.

Safe Digging Hero
Andrew Hope from Fisher German took the Safe Digging Hero title for 2024.
Andrew’s unwavering commitment to safety and excellence has set a benchmark in our industry. His dedication to promoting safe digging practices ensures not only the protection of vital infrastructure but also the well-being of our communities.
Having dedicated 40 years of his life to pipeline safety, starting with tracing paper, coloured pens and rudimentary copying facilities Andrew is now fully conversant with a multitude of GIS and CAD technologies. He creates bespoke safe digging plans every time a search is lodged near the Exolum pipeline network and provides the same to many other exceptionally dangerous networks. Andrew has been an ever-present Member of his division at Fisher German and his diligent work over such a long period has helped to ensure the protection of this team mates, those working around the assets and the assets themselves.

Best Safe Digging Influencer
The worthy winner of The Larry Award for best safe digging influencer is Murray Ambler-Shattock. Murray works for KM Group and has been recommended for this award because of his tireless advocacy and influencing of safe digging principles.
Those of you who are active on LinkedIn in this field will no doubt have seen Murray’s many helpful contributions. His colleagues are certain that Murray’s commitment to safe digging have seen injuries avoided and lives saved – and there can be no greater accolade than that.
Murray was unfortunately unable to join us at the Damage Prevention Event to accept the award so we were pleased to visit John Tiley and Khan Lynch of KM Group who accepted this award on Murray’s behalf.
The Larries – Hall Of Fame
Best Planning Process
Best Safe Working Campaign
2023 – USP Competency Framework
Best Escalation Process
Safe Digging Hero
2023 – Amy Eaton, Telent Technology Services Ltd
Safe Digging Influencer
New category for 2024