LinesearchbeforeUdig (LSBUD) Downloads, Reference Guides & Links
Below you will find useful information relating to the LinesearchbeforeUdig Service.
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Reference Guides & Links
The following reference guides are available to provide information on industry best practices and legal requirements designed to prevent damaging underground cables and pipes.
A downloadable instruction guide on how to use the LSBUD service.
Guidance produced by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
HSG47 – Avoiding danger from Underground Services
This guidance is aimed at all those involved in commissioning, planning, managing and carrying out work on or near underground services. It will also be of use to the owners and operators of such services.
It outlines the potential dangers of working near underground services and gives advice on how to reduce any direct risks to people’s health and safety, as well as the indirect risks arising through damage to services.
It explains the three basic elements of a safe system of work during excavation:
- Planning the work
- Locating and identifying buried services
- Safe excavation

Collaborative group of over 380 utility asset owners, industry groups and contractors that seek to ensure the highest standards of safety and best practice when carrying out work on the vital services for homes and businesses. The USAG website includes best practices toolkits and guidance as well news, safety alerts and video guides.
This report summarises the key findings of over 2500 utility strikes across the UK during 2019 from 44 participants. It highlights what caused the most damages and provides scope and recommendations to avoid and reduce future damages. Use this report review your own excavation practices against where damages to cables and pipes are most likely to occur.

HSE Pipelines Health and safety
Separate guidance and legal requirements produced by the Health and Safety Executive applying to works in proximity to major hazard pipelines of high pressure transporting gas, fuel oil, chemical and other major hazards.
Linewatch – High Pressure Pipeline awareness
Linewatch is an organisation of high-pressure oil and gas pipeline operators acting to raise awareness of our networks existence and encourage safe working practices when planning and undertaking work around them.

Highways Authorities and Utilities Commission (HAUC)
Safety at Street Works and Road Works – Code of Practice

Street Works UK
Guidance on the positioning and colour coding of underground utilities

Think Before You Dig
Energy Networks Association safety video