LinesearchbeforeUdig (LSBUD) Member Case Studies
Cambridgeshire County Council Case Study
Cambridgeshire County Council Case Study Cambridgeshire County Council have joined the list of asset owners who have selected the LSBUD solution to register key underground networks located throughout the country. As part of its actions to ensure a Net Zero...
City of Westminster Case Study
Westminster City Council has seen the visibility of its district heating network move from ‘walk by’ notifications to total coverage thanks to LSBUD. Pimlico District Heating Undertaking (PDHU), owned and managed by Westminster City Council, was established over 50...
Last Mile Case Study
Last Mile has taken an important step to better protect its networks, and the people working close to them, by joining LSBUD. Last Mile adopts and operates an impressive portfolio of electricity and gas distribution networks across the UK that are designed, installed,...
NYnet Case Study
NYnet Case Study NYnet has taken important steps to better protect its underground network and has seen the time it takes to respond to asset location requests drop from days to minutes thanks to LSBUD, allowing it to provide the best possible service to its...
Electricity North West Limited Case Study
Electricity North West Limited Case Study Electricity North West Limited owns, operates and maintains the North West’s electricity distribution network in the United Kingdom. They are licensed by Ofgem to provide a service to supply companies and distribute to 2.4...
UK Power Networks Case Study
UKPN UK Power Networks Case Study UK Power Networks (UKPN) is the country’s biggest distribution network operator for electricity covering South East England, the East of England and London. It manages three licensed distribution networks which together cover an area...
EirGrid Case Study
EirGrid Case Study EirGrid is responsible for operating Ireland’s national electricity transmission system - otherwise known as the National Grid. This includes planning and developing the system, scheduling and dispatching generation, operating the electricity market...
Western Power Distribution Case Study
Western Power Distribution Case Study Western Power Distribution is the electricity distribution network operator for the Midlands, South West and Wales delivering electricity to over 7.8 million customers over a 58,900 square kilometres service area. Its network...
ESP Utilities Group Case Study
ESP Utilities Group Case Study ESP Utilities Group (ESP) operates over 20,000 gas and electricity networks across Britain. Having reviewed a number of options, ESP Utilities Group joined the LSBUD service in June 2013. It now uses LSBUD’s marketleading automated...
SGN Case Study
SGN Case Study SGN manages the gas distribution network (GDN) across Scotland and the south of England, providing gas to over 5.9 million people through a 74,000km gas pipeline network. Part of its responsibility to provide gas to its customers includes ensuring the...
Wales & West Utilities Case Study
Wales & West Utilities Case Study Wales & West Utilities is the company that look after the pipes that keep the gas flowing to heat the homes and power businesses of 7.5m people across Wales and south west England. It operates the gas emergency service,...
Mainline Pipelines Ltd Case Study
Mainline Pipelines Ltd Case Study The pipelines operated by Mainline Pipelines Limited (MLP) run at extremely high pressure and MLP is keen to ensurethat third party users can enquire where the pipelines are located to ensure the safety of their works. Every third...
Northumbrian Water Group Case Study
Northumbrian Water Group Case Study Northumbrian Water Group (NWG) operates water and sewerage networks across Great Britain through NorthumbrianWater (water and sewerage) and Essex and Suffolk Water (water only). LSBUD allows every enquiry submitted (over 3 million...
Portsmouth Water Case Study
Portsmouth Water Case Study Portsmouth Water has seen the visibility of its network improve ten-fold and the time it takes to respond to asset location requests drop from days to minutes thanks to LSBUD. Portsmouth Water supplies high-quality drinking water to...
Gamma Case Study
Gamma Case Study Gamma owns and operates one of the largest Next Generation Networks (NGN) across Europe, carrying around 8% of the UK’s business voice traffic. Having an immediate 20x increase in more relevant enquiries meant that Gamma instantly benefitted from a...
“It has been refreshing to work with LSBUD on this project. I can’t think of another service provider that cares for its Members or the industry as much as LSBUD does. It is always thinking about how it can make safety better, and UKPN is pleased to be a part of that.”