Enquiry Details in depth
To begin a new request, click the New Enquiry button in the top right of the screen after logging in:
On a device with a smaller screen, this will be shown as a “plus” + icon instead:
This will load up the Enquiry form as shown below.
Next to each section heading will be a grey ? Icon which you can click to view helpful information if you are unsure how to best complete the fields on the form.
Click to continue after each section.
Click to return to the previous sections.
Enquiry Details
- Enquiry type: Select whether the job is for:
- Planned Works: Excavation purposes, starting in near future.
- Information Only: Planning purposes, not excavating in near future.
- Emergency: Life-threatening situation, burst water main, blocked sewer, natural disaster etc.
- Work category: Choose the best description for the overall nature of the works. The option you select here affects the options available for Work Type.
- Work type: Choose the best description for the work activity. This list changes depending on what was chosen for Work Category.
- Job start & end date: This is the time frame the work will take place within. The earliest allowable date is tomorrow’s date (the day after submitting the enquiry).
- Your reference: Enter in a reference description, name or number associated with your project.
- Preferred plan paper size & Preferred plan scale: These fields determine the size and scale in which you would prefer to receive the asset owner plans, however please note that not all asset owners can respond using your preferred options.
- Working on behalf of: Select whether you are working on behalf of a Highways Agency, Local/Highway Authority, Utility, Private or Other.
- Name of utility/authority: Unless you choose Private or Other for “Working on behalf of”, select the name of the organisation from this list.
- Site contact name: Enter the name of the site contact person.
- Site contact telephone no.: Enter the contact number of the site contact person. Note this must be a UK phone number.
- Notes / description of works: This field can be used to enter any additional notes you feel will clarify your enquiry for the utilities who will provide your plans. This could include distances, directions, coordinates, depth, intention, or anything else not already covered by the other enquiry fields, or if the dig site area requires further describing:
- Enquiry type: Select whether the job is for:
Once the Enquiry Details and Notes/description of works have been populated, click Next to search the dig site location.