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Drawing your dig site

After entering the location search criteria and clicking Search, a map will appear on the right-hand side of the screen:

OneCall will automatically place a red 50m Circle drawing directly over the centre of the searched location. If this drawing covers the entire dig site, you can move straight onto finalising the enquiry.

However, if the circle does not cover the entire site, the next step is to select the work site on the map using the tools in the top right-hand corner:

LSBUDNG033.png Select the Line tool to draw linear sites, e.g. fences. To begin, click once where you would like the line to start, then click once each time you need to make a corner. To finish, click once, then click again on the final point. Note that the line is unable to intersect/cross over itself at any point.
LSBUDNG034.png Select the Polygon tool to select broader areas on the map, e.g. properties, across road reserves. Click once to create the first corner point, then click once on each corner as you trace out the site, then click back on the first point to complete the shape.
LSBUDNG035.png Select this to draw out a circular area on the map, e.g. radius around an intersection or pole. Click once in the centre of the site (hold down the click), then move the mouse outwards to stretch the circle to the required size before releasing the click.

Examples of Line, Polygon, and Circle drawings.

You should end up with a solid red shape as per the examples above.

If you wish to delete a drawing and start again, simply click on your drawing tool of choice and then start a new shape on the map – the previous shape will automatically disappear when the new shape is completed.

The other map tools include:
LSBUDNG036.pngLSBUDNG037.png Zoom: You can use the plus and minus buttons, click on the bar in between them, or roll in and out using the scroller on your mouse to zoom in or out of the map.
LSBUDNG038.png Measure: Select the Measure/ruler tool to find the distance from one point to another. Click once at the beginning of the length, then click once each time you need the line to bend. Double-click at the end to stop measuring. The distance will be shown whilst the tool is active. Lines made with this tool will not show up on your finalised enquiry.
LSBUDNG039.png Edit: Select the Edit tool to amend an area that you have already drawn using the line/polygon/circle tools. Click on the existing drawing – it will turn blue, and you will be able to move existing points/create new points to change the shape of the drawing. Once editing is completed, click anywhere on the map or on the tool icon again to save the new shape.
LSBUDNG040.png Delete layers: Select the Delete tool to remove drawings or measurement guide-lines from the map.
LSBUDNG041.png Layers: Select the Layers tool to view different base maps, including Hybrid and Satellite views. Make your selection using the radio buttons on the popup, and the map will update to your preferred view.


Along the bottom of the map, you will be able to see the Scale, to give an idea of distances on the map, and XY Coordinates displaying the current position of the mouse pointer on the map:

Please note that if your site is large, it may need to be broken down into smaller sections across multiple enquiries. To assist with this, we have created the Continue Job function which will help you keep track of the previous enquiry’s details and map.

After drawing the location on the map, you will be able to finalise and submit the enquiry.