LinesearchbeforeUdig (LSBUD) Digging Up Britain Report
The UK’s Safe Digging Community Has Never Been Stronger
Digging up Britain 2024, the UK’s safe digging industry report, is back for its seventh edition, documenting the latest trends, hot topics and data from all the groundwork taking place across the UK last year.
This must-read and powerful document has been designed to help all those engaged in excavation work learn more about the risks and then reduce utility strikes.
With greater awareness around digging safety than ever before, it’s reassuring to see that 2023 was the safest year on record for the digging community, achieving the highest number of underground asset searches ever with 3.92 million searches conducted across the year.
Indeed, when these numbers are compared to those of just five years ago, the portal is receiving 52% more search enquiries, which shows that LSBUD’S ongoing programme of promotion and education on the need for a search before you dig is resulting in an increasingly joined up, collaborative way of working.
The report reiterates the ‘safe digging for all’ message, and highlights who was digging, where they were digging and why they were digging.
Finally, the report continues to remind those remaining network operators of the benefit of sharing their data, and those doing the digging that the more people that search, the safer we stay as a nation.
Click now to get your FREE copy for Digging up Britain 2024