A Quarter of a Million Users – And Rising Fast!
Just recently the number of registered LSBUD Users hit a very significant milestone.
250,000 Users now have an active LSBUD account. This number doesn’t include those who have registered and subsequently closed their accounts. It is live accounts only.
This is a source of some considerable pride. The LSBUD team works very hard to attract new users and, over the past couple of years, has maintained a sharp focus on attracting those Users who undertake high risk activities and are, perhaps, less likely to search before they dig. These include farmers, fencers, building contractors and the general public.
So where are these Users coming from? And how are they finding LSBUD?
Well, as one would expect, there is no single answer, no silver bullet to make people search! Our Users find us through search engines, social media, referrals from our Members, referrals from local authorities and advice from friends. They find us because of new contractual requirements, meet us at trade shows, read about us in the press and, more recently, many thousands have learned about LSBUD by watching the safety video we made with a fencing contractor who narrowly avoided serious injury. (If you haven’t seen this it is well worth watching: LSBUD Explosion Awareness)
The continuing rise in User numbers can also be partly attributed to the ongoing digging boom in the UK. Electric vehicle networks, Project Gigabit, mains replacement, street works, home improvements and a great deal more are driving the need for safe digging plans like never before. This year more than 4 million searches look set to be placed through the LSBUD platform.
This ongoing rise in User and search numbers brings with it an increased desire from our Users and ourselves to add more asset owning Members to the service. Happily we are currently building services for several new Members and our Users can expect some big announcements on this front very soon.
For the asset owners themselves LSBUD offers an ever-improving service. More Users mean more searches. More searches mean greater awareness of asset locations before digging. And greater awareness of asset locations means fewer service strikes. Fewer service strikes mean less downtime, reduced costs and happier customers.
With more than 100 new Users from a great variety of backgrounds registering on LSBUD every day the team’s focus remains sharply on our number one goal – Safe Digging for All.